How to make
a pop-up for Umbraco website



Umbraco is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites, web applications, build pop-ups and digital content. It was developed using Microsoft’s .NET framework and is written in C# programming language.

Umbraco provides a flexible and customizable platform for building websites, offering a range of features such as multi-language support, responsive design, version control, media management, and more. It also has an active community of developers who contribute to the platform’s development, plugins, and templates.

Umbraco is used by many organizations, including businesses, non-profit organizations, universities, and government agencies, to manage their online presence. It is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for developers, designers, and content creators who want to create and manage their websites without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Currently, there are nearly 730 000 websites made on this Content Management System.

The fast and simple way of adding pop-ups to the Umbraco website is by connecting it to the Magic Widget online service.

Below is the step-by-step guide on how to make the pop-up notifications for the Umbraco website.

Create an Account or Sign In

Create a Campaign

Pop up builder create campaign

Connect the Website

Copy the embed code and insert it into the head tag of your website.

connect the website
embed code

Login to the Umbraco admin panel

Insert the Embed Code

Click Save button.

Create the Notification

Now your Umbraco website is connected and you can create Magic Widget pop-up notifications to boost your sales.